

(106)   Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for non-commutative optimization problems, latest revision 14 February 2024 (with , , Andrew Garner, )

(105)   Sums of squares certificates for polynomial moment inequalities, latest revision 10 May 2024 (with and )

(104)   Cross-positive linear maps, positive polynomials and sums of squares, latest revision 30 January 2024 (with and )

(103)   Classifying minimal vanishing sums of roots of unity, latest revision 21 July 2020 (with Louis Christie and ). Accompanying python code can be found here.

(102)   Positivstellensätze and Moment problems with Universal Quantifiers, latest revision 21 January 2024 (with Xiaomeng Hu and )

(101)   A Model Theoretic Perspective on Matrix Rings, latest revision 28 April 2020 (with )

To appear

(100)   A random copositive matrix is completely positive with positive probability, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry (with and Tea Štrekelj)

(99)    Matrix Extreme Points and Free Extreme points of Free Spectrahedra, Optimization Methods and Software (with Aidan Epperly, , )